Setting Goals for 2015

As the year comes to an end, it is time to start planning for 2015. A new year often brings new goals. Start constructing your goals today!


25% of people abandon their new year’s resolution after the first week and 60% abandon it after six months. To avoid becoming one of these statistics here are five tips to help you fulfill your goals for 2015:

  1. Write your goals down. Putting something down on paper helps hold you accountable.
  2. Tell a friend. Tell a friend about your goals. A good friend will help hold you accountable and help you find ways to achieve your goals.
  3. Visualize yourself accomplishing your goal. Envision your success. Doesn’t it feel good? Now go and get it!
  4. Set deadlines. Most goals are not accomplished overnight, it takes a little work every day over a long period of time. Create benchmarks for yourself.
  5. Be realistic. Your main goal might be big, so set a realistic accomplishment for the year. I can’t personally build my dream house and work a full time job in one year, but I can work a full time job and complete a portion of a house. Don’t set yourself up for failure, be realistic!

In 4-H we are constantly pushing kids to think about goals they want to accomplish, but don’t forget yourself.


Once you have your own goals set, help some kids set a few! A good resources for helping kids think about 4-H related goals is the Goal Setting Leader’s Guide to Helping Youth.

Start setting some goals!

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